
This is an article written by a Master’s student about IARIMOS in August 2023

When Indigenous Wisdom Meets Management Studies: A Resounding Call for Change

Feature article by the University of Ottawa in November 2022:

Better Together: Integrating Business and Social Enterprise

In June, 2020, Ana María was part of an online ‘Keynote Session’ hosted by The New School in New York, on ‘Intersections of Management & Social Justice’.

This is a video of a webinar Ana María took part in, that was made in the summer of 2020 by ETHOS: The Centre for Responsible Enterprise at City, University of London, Decolonizing the Business School.

Feature in University of Victoria’s Academic Caucus E-Zine (Nov 2018): Speaking out from womens experience and cultivating hope

Here is a video made by a student on a field school Ana María led in Peru: Indigenous Ecologies, Economies, and Spiritualities in High Amazon Peru, 2018 

This is an interview of me in February, 2018, by Guy Dauncey, noted social and environmental activist: Change The World S04E05

Ana María’s Environmental Studies Class to the T’Sou-ke Nation in 2016.

Here is a copy of a keynote address I originally delivered to a Social Innovation Conference at the the University of Glasgow in 2016: Innovating with Common Property: Resisting Neoliberalism?

This is a video of a presentation I made to the Living the New Economy event in Victoria, December 2013: Indigenous Community Economies

In 2014, Ana María presented a vision for the Centre for Cooperative and Community-Based Economy at the University of Victoria” 

This is a video created by the University of Victoria concerning Ana Maria’s research: Faces of UVic Research