
Ana María was recipient of UVic’s prestigious Craigdarroch Award for Excellence in Knowledge Mobilization for 2013, in which was cited for displaying ‘a penchant and passion for mobilizing knowledge for the cause of poverty alleviation.’ In the same year, shereceived a University of Victoria Community Leadership Award, acknowledging ‘outstanding leadership in linking UVic and the community for greater public benefit.’

In 2012, she won the Academy of Management award for Best Paper in International Business. The Canadian Bureau for International Education awarded Ana María its Internationalization Leadership Award for 2008, an award recognizing ‘outstanding leadership in the internationalization of Canadian education and/or the international education profession.’ She was a finalist for the Aspen Institute for Business Education Faculty Pioneer Awards for 2008, and was named ‘Ascendant Scholar for 2007’ by the Western Academy of Management. During the 2007/08 academic year she was a Visiting Fellow at the Global Poverty Research Group in the University of Oxford. Ana María also received the ‘Research Excellence Award’ from the Faculty of Business at the University of Victoria for 2005.